causes of unhealthy gut

10 Triggers That Cause An Unhealthy Gut And How To Avoid Them

Discover the top causes of unhealthy gut and what you should do to improve your gut health naturally

Poor gut health has been linked to a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, anxiety, arthritis, and even cancer! There are many triggers of an unhealthy gut that you should totally avoid to maintain the health of your gut.

So in this article, we will explore most of the common triggers than can cause unhealthy gut and also some of the famous symptoms 

What is gut health?

The gut is one of the most important systems in the body and it is responsible for regulating our health. It is home to trillions of microorganisms that play a key role in the health of the human body. 

Gut health is not just about what you eat or drink. It’s also about how you feel and how healthy your lifestyle is.

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 Why is gut health important?

Gut health is so important because:

  1. It is the gateway to the body, which means with a healthy gut, you can effectively digest food and absorb nutrients from it so that your body can get all of the necessary vitamins and minerals that it needs to function properly.
  2. Has an important role in metabolism.
  3. It is a major player in our immune system. The gut has a direct connection to the brain and plays a very interesting role in our mood, mental health, and even weight management!
  4. The gut microbiome has been shown to have an effect on our brain function and behavior. In one study, researchers found good gut bacteria can actually make hormones and neurotransmitters that are similar to the ones our bodies make. were less anxious than mice with no gut bacteria. Also in another study on mice that has been given probiotics showed that they were less anxious during a maze test

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causes of unhealthy gut

 The causes of an unhealthy gut:

There are many reasons why one’s gut might become unhealthy, but in this article, I’ll list the most common ones.

A healthy gut relies on a good balance of bacteria and a good gut lining, but if the balance becomes disrupted or the lining has been destroyed, it can lead to serious health problems. The most common causes of an unhealthy gut include:

  • A diet high in sugar or processed foods

White sugar is the source of all troubles! A diet high in sugar or processed foods can lead to an unhealthy gut obviously. This is because the gut needs a lot of good bacteria to function properly and sugar and processed foods can destroy these good bacteria by feeding the bad ones which leads to an unhealthy gut.

  • Stress

As I already mentioned above, your gut and brain have a direct line of communication. They’re constantly talking to one another. The brain responds to changes in the gut by releasing neurotransmitters, hormones, and cytokines. In turn, the gut responds to signals from the brain by producing hormones and neurotransmitters that can influence mood and behavior.

Stress and depression can change the gut bacteria’s composition through stress hormones and inflammation. And in turn, the gut bacteria release metabolites, toxins, and neurohormones that can alter eating behavior and mood.


  •  Antibiotics

We all know Antibiotics, they are used to treat bacterial infections and they work by killing the bacteria that cause the infection. But, antibiotics can also kill healthy gut bacteria, which can cause many symptoms or “side effects” such as diarrhea or constipation and make it more difficult for your body to fight off infections.

People often need to take probiotics with their antibiotics to replace the good bacteria they are destroying. Probiotics are live, healthy cultures of bacteria that also help keep your gut healthy, but you should always ask your doctor about what type of probiotics you’ll need.

  • Alcohol consumption

One of the most common side effects of alcohol consumption is an unhealthy gut. Alcohol is digested by the stomach lining and broken down into toxic byproducts that can irritate the gut lining. This can lead to inflammation of the bowel wall and promote Bad bacterial overgrowth in the intestines.

  •  Lack of sleep

The lack of sleep causes stress hormones that can cause a leaky gut which can lead to a lot of issues including changes to the gut microbiome. So make sure to get enough sleep every night.

  •   Environment

The environment that we live in has a major impact on our health. The food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink can have a huge impact on our gut health.

For example, if you live in an area with high levels of pollution or where water is contaminated, your gut will be exposed to toxins and harmful bacteria. This will obviously lead to an unhealthy gut.

  • Not eating enough fibers

People who don’t eat enough fiber will experience a variety of health problems. These can range from constipation to colon cancer. Fiber is important for the digestive system, it helps with protecting the gut lining, and also it helps with keeping your weight in check.

The best way to get enough fiber in your diet is by eating enough fruits and vegetables.

  • Food with Gluten

Gluten is a protein found in wheat and other grains. Gluten is the main protein in wheat and it is what gives bread its elasticity. Gluten can be found in many foods that are not obvious, like soy sauce, salad dressing, ice cream, and even some soups.

The gluten protein can cause digestive problems for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. These people have a hard time digesting it because their bodies don’t produce enough of the enzyme that breaks down gluten proteins. So make sure to avoid foods with gluten or at least reduce it. If you’re like me a “bread lover” make sure to only eat sourdough bread, because it has less gluten (it’s not gluten-free) sourdough bacteria are able to break down flour and it can act as a prebiotic and also the process.

If you’re interested on learning more about sourdough bread, you can check this amazing post on Why Some Gluten-Sensitive People Can Still Eat Sourdough Bread by KERI WIGINTON

  •  Not exercising regularly

So now we know that a healthy gut is the key to a healthy body. It’s been shown that people who exercise enough have a healthy gut. Exercise can reduces your blood flow to the gut, which could lead to more direct contact between your gut microbia and the immune cells in the mucus of the gut.

Also exercising can improve your gut health in many other ways: it can reduce inflammation, improve the microbiome, and increase the number of good bacteria.

  • chronic medical conditions

Most chronic medical conditions are linked to an unhealthy gut. It is important to know what these conditions are and how they affect your gut.

The following are some of the chronic medical issues that can cause an unhealthy gut, some suggests that those same conditions are caused by the unhealthy gut so make sure to make your gut healthy:

  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Celiac Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  •  What are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut?

The following are some of the symptoms:

  1. The digestive system is not able to process food properly and this leads to digestive issues like gas and bloating.
  2. The immune system can become weak because there is not enough good bacteria in the gut. This can lead to chronic pain, fatigue, and other health problems.
  3. There may be a fungal overgrowth that causes inflammation in the gut lining which can lead to leaky gut syndrome.
  4.  Can lead to depression and anxiety
  • How to improve your gut health naturally:

Now that we talked about what can cause unhealthy gut and why you should avoid them, it’s time to learn how to improve the health of your gut. I’ve already made another detailed post about how to detox your gut naturally and make it healthier, but I’ll mention some quick tips in this post too. So in order to improve your gut health.

Here are some important tips to improve your gut health and make sure to keep doing these habits regularly:

  •  Drink enough water every day
  • Try to avoid sugar and processed food 
  •  Eat foods that contain probiotics
  • Try to reduce your consumption of antibiotics
  •  Eat whole grains and fiber
  • Eat gluten free food or swich to sourdough bread
  •  Exercise regularly
  •  Reduce stress at maximum

Always remember: With the right diet and lifestyle habits, you can improve your gut health!

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  • To wrap things up

The gut is a fascinating organ, and as you see it can have a huge impact on your overall health. So having an unhealthy gut or any other gut issues can lead to all kinds of problems. So try your best to avoid these triggers and to keep your gut healthy!

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This post was about the top causes of an unhealthy gut and how you can improve your gut health naturally

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8 thoughts on “10 Triggers That Cause An Unhealthy Gut And How To Avoid Them”

  1. Very helpful post. I’ve been suffering gut issues out of nowhere and have been on treatment to help the issue. That being said, I feel the best things I’ve done to feel better have been some of the things on this list, like eliminating alcohol consumption and removing gluten and dairy from my diet.

  2. My problem used to be stress, as well as not drinking enough water because I love coffee so much. And I had no idea about gluten and the gut, so thank you for the informative post.

    1. Same! I drink coffee almost every day and I don’t drink enough water during winter, and with stress, I used to have a lot of gut issues so these tips really helped me. Glad I could help!

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